What’s Icon?

The Icon class in Flutter is a widget that displays a graphical icon drawn from a font, specifically using an IconData object. It is commonly used to represent actions or features visually. Important properties include ‘color’, ‘size’, and ‘semanticLabel’, which enhance accessibility.

Check the official documentation for more.

Icon explained for Web Developers

From a web developer’s perspective, the Icon class can be compared to using SVG icons or font icons in web frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue. Just as these frameworks allow you to embed icons easily, Flutter’s Icon class provides a straightforward way to include icons in your app’s UI. However, unlike interactive elements like buttons, icons in Flutter are non-interactive unless wrapped in an IconButton.

Example Code

Here is an example of how to use Icon:

const Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: [
color: Colors.pink,
size: 24.0,
semanticLabel: 'Text to announce in accessibility modes',
color: Colors.green,
size: 30.0,
color: Colors.blue,
size: 36.0,

Icon Remarks

In conclusion, the Icon class is a powerful tool for Flutter developers, allowing for easy integration of visual elements into applications. Understanding its properties and how to use it effectively can enhance the user experience.

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