What’s Overlay?

The Overlay class is a powerful tool for managing overlays in applications. It allows developers to create and manage floating views that can be displayed on top of other UI elements. Important methods include adding, removing, and updating overlays dynamically.

Check the official documentation for more.

Overlay explained for Android Developers

For Android developers, the Overlay class can be compared to the WindowManager and Dialog classes. Just like WindowManager allows you to create windows that float above other activities, the Overlay class provides a similar functionality but is more focused on overlays that can be easily manipulated and updated. This is akin to how Jetpack Compose handles UI elements with its composable functions, allowing for a more declarative approach to UI management.

Example Code

Here is an example of how to use Overlay:

Overlay overlay = new Overlay(context);

Overlay Remarks

In conclusion, the Overlay class is an essential tool for Android developers looking to enhance their applications with dynamic overlays. Its ease of use and flexibility make it a valuable addition to any developer’s toolkit.

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