What’s Tween?

The Tween class in Flutter provides a way to perform linear interpolation between a starting and ending value. It is particularly useful for creating animations that transition smoothly between two values. Key methods include ‘animate’ for linking a Tween to an AnimationController and ‘chain’ for combining multiple Tweens.

Check the official documentation for more.

Tween explained for Web Developers

From a Web Developer’s perspective, the Tween class can be compared to state management in frameworks like React or Angular, where you define how values change over time. Just as you might use state to manage UI changes in response to user actions, Tweens manage the transition of values in animations, allowing for smooth visual effects similar to CSS transitions.

Example Code

Here is an example of how to use Tween:

Animation<Offset> _animation = Tween<Offset>(
begin: const Offset(100.0, 50.0),
end: const Offset(200.0, 300.0),

Tween Remarks

Understanding the Tween class is essential for Flutter developers looking to create engaging animations. By leveraging its capabilities, you can enhance user experience with smooth transitions and dynamic visual effects.

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