Add social sign-in
ShipFlutter Auth module currently supports the following social sign-in providers:
Each of them requires specific steps. You can easily enable/disable them by modifying the AuthController and enable them in a later stage. You can also add new ones yourself by implementing them in the controller.
Make sure you have setup the auth module in the previous step to continue.
Follow these steps to enable Google sign-in for Android, iOS and Web:
Create a SHA1 key for your Android app
Add to it to the Android app in the Project Settings (Add fingerprint)
Enable Google Sign-in in the Firebase Project dashboard.
Provide a name and a support email.
(Optional) Provide an existing Web SDK configuration, otherwise it will be generated for you.
Go back to your project and refresh the config:
(Only for iOS) Configure URL Schemes
- Open Project Configuration: Click on your project name in the left tree view.
- Select App Target: Choose your app from the “TARGETS” section.
- Go to Info Tab: Select the “Info” tab.
- Expand URL Types: Expand the “URL Types” section.
- Add URL Scheme: Click the ”+” button and add a new URL scheme.
- Use Reversed Client ID: Find the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key in your GoogleService-Info.plist file and paste its value into the “URL Schemes” box.
Try to run the app and sign-in with Google. It should work for Android, iOS and web.
We will provide better documentation in the future. For now follow the official Firebase documentation:
- Configure Sign In with Apple
- Enable Apple as a sign-in provider.
- Add “Sign in with Apple” capability.
🚧 Work in progress. We will update it soon!