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Getting user Feedback

Every app should integrate a feedback feature to learn from users. ShipFlutter by default uses in-app reviews to prompt users to leave feedback in the App Store or Play Store. Although, that’s not enough. Most of the times users will only rate with stars or leave short comments.

To properly learn from your users, we recommend Wiredash. Effortless user feedback, and customer satisfaction insights, all in one SDK.


The setup is pretty simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Create an account here

  2. Create a project

  3. Get the project ID and secret (Settings > General)

  4. Add it to the .env and .env.debug files:


How to use it?

It’s quite simple, you can check home_view.dart and settings_view.dart for an example or check the official docs for more customization options.

Wiredash.of(context).show(inheritMaterialTheme: true);