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User Feedback

ShipFlutter provides multiple ways to collect user feedback:

  1. In-app reviews for store ratings
  2. Wiredash for detailed feedback and insights

In-App Reviews

The RatingController handles in-app review prompts using the native In App Review package:

// Show the native review dialog
final shown = await ratingController.instance.requestReview();
if (!shown) {
// Fallback to store listing
await ratingController.instance.openStoreListing();

Wiredash Integration

For more detailed feedback, ShipFlutter integrates Wiredash, which provides:

  1. User feedback collection
  2. Customer satisfaction insights
  3. Bug reports
  4. Feature requests


  1. Create an account at Wiredash Console

  2. Create a new project

  3. Get your credentials under “Settings > General” and copy the Project ID and Secret

  4. Add them to your app/.env files and run the build_runner:

    Terminal window


Show the Wiredash feedback UI:

// Show feedback UI with material theme
inheritMaterialTheme: true,
// Show specific feedback type
feedbackOptions: {

Best Practices

  1. In-App Reviews

    • Show after positive interactions
    • Limit frequency of prompts
    • Provide fallback to store listing
  2. Wiredash Feedback

    • Make it easily accessible
    • Use in settings and help sections
    • Enable relevant feedback types
    • Collect useful metadata