ShipFlutter uses Firebae Authentication as a backend, offering a set of authentication methods that you can use to authenticate your users, in addition to a responsive login page that handles social signin, email-password, anonymous auth, as well as verification and recover flow.
The authentication module is structured in the following way:
- auth_view.dart // Responsive login page
- auth_dialog.dart // Utility dialogs (e.g recover password)
- auth_route.dart // Navigation logic
- auth_controller.dart // Business logic and state
- auth_service.dart // Connector to the Firebase Auth Backend
- credentials.dart // Model class with user auth data
- credentials_controller.dart // Observes changes in the credentials
Before starting, make sure you have completed the prerequisites and the Firebase setup steps.
Enable Firebase Authentication
- Open the associated Firebase Project dashboard.
- Under Build > Authentication > Sign-in Method tab.
- Enable Email/Password and Anonymous by adding them as providers
- Run the app and try to create a new user. It should work :)